Monday, February 20, 2012

Apple and Blackberry Pie

We so love having a Bakery Student!  (Blackberries are almost coming to an end now).

Set in Stone

Rod has so many skills and lots of patience.  The latest talent we have discovered that he has is wall building.  He would rather be working with sawn stone blocks but at 4 x's the price we have opted for random Basket Range sandstone set in Brighton Lite Concrete. I love it and can't help but dream of more areas where we can define the garden with these rustic but attractive walls.  Rod's dream is to finish this current project and have a break from wall building.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Flowers for Julie

Pittosporum Irene Paterson, Alstromera seed heads, Rosa Francis Dubreuil, Sacred Bamboo & Hydrangea

I spent the afternoon with Julie -  sipping tea and enjoying Julie's homemade Lemon-meringue-pie whilst looking out onto her beautiful front garden from under the veranda.  So much to admire and yet another source of inspiration.  Of particular note for this visit is how her garden border out the back has progressed.  Such a kaleidoscope of colour and a variety of plant shapes and forms makes for a very pleasing effect. The front of the border is shaped with serpentine curves and a break part way along provides a gravel path which will lead to a stunning gate (yet to be installed but I have seen it in storage) with a well placed conifer on each side of the path.  This garden is obviously a great source of joy to Julie and such a credit to her as it is not only beautiful but also very large.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Where's Asher?


Hydrangea, White Agapanthus, Blue Agapanthus, Salvia, Podalyria sericia, French Lavender, Molineux Rose and Cineraria maritima.

Valentines Day Blackberry Pies

More blackberries, 4 sheets of Puff Pastry, one egg beaten with a tablespoon of water and castor sugar to sprinkle on top.  Serve with sweetened whipped cream and or ice cream. Yum Yum!

Hip Hipporay!

Finally I have cleaned the gum leaves and gum nuts out of this large concrete dish which features a pair of adorable hippos submerged in water.  It is a time consuming job because there is a layer of small grey pebbles on the bottom of the dish which are easy to loose whilst cleaning.  Asher the cat likes to drink from the dish in preference to his bowl of clean water.  I hope he is appreciating my effort.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Sorting of Buttons

Slowly my sewing drawer is becoming organised.  I can't help myself, the sorting of buttons into colours is more about  seeing the different colours arranged side by side, pleasing the eye than the convenience of finding a button.  There is no way I will ever use all these button that I inherited from my mother-in-law.
Talking about buttons I have a sister who has a button phobia - she won't buy or wear anything which has buttons.  She would be the last person to ask to sew a button back onto a garment.

When life sends you Blackberries and Plums make............

750g Blackberries
750g Satsuma Plums
1.5kg Sugar
= Blackberry and Plum Jam (thanks Sandy for the plums)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How Cute is This?

Caramello alias Taun Taun found the handle of this cup to be quite tasty!

Just Like a Bought One.......

Aly has started her Certificate in Bakery at Regency Park.  It is amazing how much they have cooked already.  Most of their produce goes to the shop on campus which is probably a good thing for our health.  Occasionally they can bring home an item for sampling - like the marble cake pictured.  Good work Aly - it tastes good too!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Look Closer

When I first saw this I thought it was the remains of a broken off tree branch, not so.  It was in fact a Tawny Frogmouth.  I got up quite close and took lots of photos, and all the time it stayed perfectly still. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

End of Aggie Season

Now starts the process of dead heading all of my agapanthus plants.  I will have to undertake it over a few sessions as there are so many.  Must make a mental note not to plant any more.