Saturday, November 30, 2013

Welcome Velour

It's been quite some time since I welcomed a rabbit to my bunny community. After calisi virus took its toll on my two girls - Martha and Moo it was time to bunker down and spend some time in quarantine mode. Velour has been adopted at 15 weeks of age and is a female (I am told-but it wouldn't be the first time the facts have been distorted). I am told she has some cashmere in the mix.

It's A Square Weld After All

Years of collecting off cuts and miscellaneous items of metal by Rod has now resulted in our first sculpture.
8 identical 'I' beam ends
and painted to experiment with

 miniature scale models were made  

design settled on, Rod set about welding the pieces together 

                                   a last minute change in arrangement
painted in situ

Sunday, November 24, 2013

I've got it covered

The new addition to the Iceberg Rose arch has settled in well despite only one of the two transplanted roses surviving the shift. The coverage is sufficient and the desired tunnel effect has been achieved. 
Newly installed arch waiting for Spring

Friday, November 22, 2013

A sign of busyness

An absence of posts should now be rectified as I have now submitted my photo book - Ashwell 30 Years in the Making. 13 months ago I ordered the voucher which gave me 12 months to compile and upload my story into a photo book. I procrastinated for many months then panicked before paying for a one month extension and then I knuckled down to scanning, cropping, colour enhancing, choosing, creating text and finally with 4 days 'till expiry I submitted the project for printing. Now I wait.