Tuesday, February 25, 2014

One Step at a Time

Crafted in 2005 these steps replaced original wooden steps that weathered away to the point where the whole set, rails, posts and hand rails had to be demolished. Rod took great pride in designing and building these successful steps. Yesterday I repainted the left hand side rails and post, changing the hand rail from cream to Carriage Green. One side to go!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On the Edge

Red bricks were used temporarily to retain the gravel on the path on the top side of the red oak garden.
Rocks rejected by Rod for wall building have been recessed into a trench, replacing the bricks.
A work in progress, weather permitting.

Monday, February 10, 2014

More stone, More walls

Working early to avoid the stifling heat Rod and I have been building walls along the lower driveway to hold back the bank on the high side. The red oak garden is almost complete with the ash garden still needing it's top layer.