Sunday, December 12, 2010


An unusual spate of wet windy weather has caused havoc throughout the nation.  Our own garden has experienced 77mm of rain over the last week.  Yesterday the combination of wind and rain were just too much for our Manchurian Pear and it split at a major fork.  If not for our deck, which fortunately has not suffered, the tree would have snapped off completely.  Fearing that the wind might snap the remaining half we had to leave it overnight, planning to carry out repairs the next day if it should survive.  Relief when morning revealed the remaining portion of the tree still to be standing.  Rod set up a system of rope and pulleys to pull the fallen portion back into place.  A section of steel rod inserted at the break was to act as a hinge, to safeguard the break from separating completely.  With both Aly and Jenny pulling on the rope and then holding fast, Rod drilled 3 holes through the breaks and secured it back together with bolts and nuts.  Finding an old hessian bag (a rarity these days) it was cut into strips and wound around the break and secured with a stocking.  Finally a feed of Seasol and a good hug will hopefully see this beautiful tree pull through and delight us for many more seasons.

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