Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jenny's Olde English Morning Tea

 Jenny’s Olde English Morning Tea
at Ashwell

When: Thursday 24th May 2012    11am – 1pmWhere: Ashwell, 32 Sheoak Road, Crafers West
                           Why: To help  Cancer Council SA raise vital funds – I am suggesting a $15 donation on the day from all attendees (unless the attendee is currently undergoing treatment for cancer – in which case morning tea is my treat

What a great Morning Tea we had on Thursday 24th May. The weather was miserable but the atmosphere was warm and cheery. Rod's roaring open-fire certainly helped thaw out the chills that were inevitable on such a day. Starting off with a glass of pink bubbly, introductions were made, the room soon filled, friends became re-acquainted and strangers soon became friends.

13 wonderful people attended and gave generously their money and good spirit for the occasion. The hot 'Potato topped Mini Beef Burgundy Pies' were such a hit that all the recipes sold out. Sausage Rolls with Pine nuts and Veggie Frittata triangles were almost as popular.

With the savoury morsels tried and tested it was time to move onto sweet sensations. Where to start? Vanilla Fairy cupcakes with whipped cream and homemade blackberry jam centres, moist chocolate and raspberry cupcakes with pink butter cream frosting, Banana cupcakes with cream cheese topping, baked cream cheese slice or maybe a mini Lemon   Meringue Pie. Thank goodness we had cake plates that matched our tea cups and saucers to catch the generous lemon filling which tried to escape.
The pretty chintz design cake wrappers certainly looked the part and teamed well with the floral paper serviettes, almost too special to use; a give away that we had an interior decorator in our midst.

Maree won the ‘lucky sticker’ prize of a beautifully boxed mug, decorated with images of cupcakes – very apt.

The mood of the day was upbeat and money generously given. Above and beyond the suggested monetary contribution, flower arrangements used for the day were purchased for a donation and pre-paid orders even placed for occasions to come. 

 Recipes for 4 of the dishes on offer were available to take home for a small donation.

An announcement that the day’s event was dedicated to Ros Thompson who did live locally but now lives in WA, had old friends queuing to sign and send a message in the card specially chosen for the theme;  an image of a kitten sitting in an old china tea pot, very fitting for someone who proudly owns and displays old English, sentimental China. Ros lives with Cancer on a daily basis but her courage, disciplined self-help and ‘get on with it’ attitude is an inspiration to all.
Many thanks to my wonderful attendees: Amanda, David, Di, Helen, Jennifer, Julie, Liz, Maree, Neil, Pat, Rosalind, Rosemary and Sue who’s genial support allowed me to run with a theme and host an awesomely successful maiden event. 

Thanks too, to those that couldn’t come but still gave generously: Aly, Bron, Jan-Claire and Marilyn.

I wouldn’t have signed up to run this event if I didn’t have the amazing support of hubby Rod. He ran the kitchen on the day, oven to table he kept the food coming out and the kettle boiling, all the while keeping the home fire burning. A big bonus was the help and professionalism that daughter Aly added to the preparation leading up to the day. My father Neil did a splendid job collecting the donations on the day and my close neighbours Jennifer and Sue kindly loaned tea cups and coffee plunger. Thanks ever so much to you all.

Overwhelmingly my target goal was more than met. No promises, but watch this space for next year’s event!

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