Wednesday, February 6, 2013


This copper sign which has pride of place at our front door was originally used on a property that my father moved to with his family. The family brought with them their own property name 'Kim Bolton' so the existing name on the newly acquired house was obsolete. My Father held on to the sign taking it with him on every subsequent move until one day when we told him we were looking for a name for our property he asked what we thought of 'Ashwell'?  We were delighted with the suggestion as we had a number of Ash trees which we had planted that were doing very Well. When he presented us with the sign we couldn't wait to install it. From memory it was painted white but Rod burnt off the paint, polished the copper and mounted it onto a back board of Cedar to match the door.

Lush ferns in terracotta pots near to the door were chosen to give a bit of a Queenslander feeling to our weather board house.

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