Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mulching the Natives

This year's mulching effort has gone on the natives at the front of the house. A trailer load was not quite enough to finish the job so another 4 wheelbarrow loads were added on a separate occasion. The whole native area has been weeded, some plants trimmed and then the mulch spread. The continuity of the pink-red bark makes for a great contrast to the green foliage and creates a uniform, neat appearance.

Two hardwood sleepers have been replaced and some of the bricks reset . The deteriorating state was potentially dangerous for these well used steps to and from the front door.

Our pussy-willow down by the pond has split in two. Rod has
been cutting up the broken branches and was able to cut these
5 stepping rounds from the substantial trunk.

Some of the older Correa's have been cut back quite hard here
to encourage the new growth.

Scleranthus biflorus was one of the plants I saw whilst at the
Mt. Tomah Botanic Gardens. This small emerald mound will
hopefully spread to become quite a feature.
In the centre of this picture is Eucalyptus caesia Silver Princess
which will change this area significantly once it becomes a small
The Brachycome has been cut back quite hard in the hope that
it will put on good new growth. Some have already but others
may need to be replaced.

This hollow log has  recently been added to the garden. Native
Violets have been planted in the hollow in the hope that they
naturlise in and around the log.

The scribbly gum totem poles contrast against
the new mulch and make more of a statement.

I like corners.

The garden bed has been extended and mulched behind the
seat. Plants that were randomly planted have now become a

Room for more ground covers.

The view from our dining window.

This is the view from our kitchen window. The dragon ornament is a new addition to add some interest to this area. Eventually it should appear that Whomee is peering through the grass.

When purchased this was the colour of the upturned pot
that Whomee sits on.
The artist named this work "Who Me?" I am
much happier with the black upturned pot.

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