Friday, January 19, 2018

Only a bit of a let down

A glass balloon that I had hanging from the apple tree adjacent to the deck-  fell out the sky twice. The first time a circle of glass broke off where the handing cord was sited. The second time again where the cord was secured with a washer to fill the gap where the broken  piece had come away, this time a much bigger piece than could be compensated for.

I love glass so much especially the play of light shining through, therefore to just throw away this broken item just didn’t sit right with me. Solution - silicon balloon upside down onto metal stake that was a gift but missing its glass tea light candle holder. So now I have taken two incomplete items and made one garden ornament.
Now placed in the garden the trick is to position it so that the silicon is not visiable but the ballon is, even if only subtlety.

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