Saturday, February 16, 2019

Present-ing: One gift leads to another

Aly took me to Murray Bridge for brunch for my birthday and gave me some money to spend either in the gift shop at The Davery or at Serenity Nursery, where we headed next. I can’t resist an opportunity at a nursery so came home with both male and female kiwi fruit vines.

With Christmas just around the corner I knew that a request for an Arch might be well received by the metal worker in the family, and indeed it was.

Many a design was considered and complexity scaled down. Rod was keen to incorporate a theme so elongated diamonds were featured to match in with the pyramids he made me for the tay and Boysen berries.

The kiwi fruit vines were planted in November with temporary support until after Christmas Day. As soon as the Arch was moved into position the twining began in earnest with Rod helping the vine decide where to hang on.

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