Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Granite Island

This garden area came about after purchasing the 'Love Seat' off Gumtree. Just like the lady I bought it from, I found the placement of the seat is not straight forward. You can't put it up against a wall because you need to be able to approach it from the front & back and it needs to be positioned to make the best of views in each direction. It called for a garden design to ground the seat as a rug anchors a coffee table indoors. Firstly I needed to create a level spot. Cut and fill was the order of the day. The overall shape an exaggerated eye. I then dug out a hollow on each end so that I could plant Sacred Bamboo. My thinking is that the plants will eventually give some screening to the seat and create a feeling of seclusion. So that the sacred bamboo does not escape I have lined the hollows with terracotta roof tiles. Basket Range sandstone has been used to retain the high side and also edge the lower step off point. Once the outer stones were in place I spread a concrete pad to create a base for my artwork. Using black granite I have created a circular design under the seat. My inspiration coming from the beautiful paved paths in Rhodes. Filling in between the granite I have used River Pebbles left over from our Xanthorhea garden. When I purchased the seat it was a dirty cream colour with speckles to give it a weathered look. I have painstakingly painted it Metallic Charcoal - much more pleasing to the eye. I am delighted with the finished project and proud of the proportion of the work that I undertook myself. Thanks to Rod for mixing the concrete, mortar and advising 'a bit more to be cut away here' and 'that stone needs to move a bit to the right' and 'that looks pretty level now'.
Cutting and filling a level spot
Planters lined in terracotta tiles, set into concrete

Creating the design on paper first

Numbered pieces of granite to help recreate the design in situ

A tedious paint job, but worth the time and effort.

Wiping off the excess mortar to reveal the River pebbles underneath

Scrubbing the granite and pebbles to remove residue

Nandina domestica added to planters on both ends

Not even a wobble when the seat was placed in position.

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