Wednesday, April 10, 2013

On the Move

My garden keeps evolving and I am always looking for ways to improve upon things for maximum effect. 15 Terracotta pots which follow the front paving and up the first flight of steps to the carport were originally planted with Boronia megastima. A delight to the eye and nose in early September but would inevitably become sparse, leggy and unshapely specimens. Replaced once, I then decided to try something altogether different, so replanted every pot with Lime Wave - Lomandra cylindrica an evergreen fine foliage grass.
4 years later I have now decided that the die back of older growth is an unfortunate distraction, so I have transplanted the 9 plants that follow the front paving and have retained the ones either side of the steps. Lime Wave now lines one side of the path on the way to the letterbox. The fore mentioned 9 pots are now planted with Taupo Blaze - Libertia ixioides which I have propagated from a plant that I have growing in a pot on the landing. The Taupo Blaze has proven to be a great success with interesting colour changes to the sword like foliage at different times of the year. I particularly like the burnt orange colouring that marries superbly with the terracotta pots. I look forward to seeing the new plants fill the pots and cycle through the colourful displays as the seasons pass.
Brown Boronia has been a spring favorite to excite the senses.

Here the LimeWave has been clipped to remove some of the unsightly dieback.

Edging the paving and either side the steps.

LimeWave edging the path to the letterbox.

Looking in the other direction.

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