Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Remaking de fence

During winter Rod and I replaced the fence between our neighbours on the eastern side and ourselves. The previous fence was constructed from permapine channel with inserts of lattice. A very vigorous McCartney rose which originated next door was encouraged to grow on the fence which over time pulled the fence down. We needed to complete the task in Winter due to the hopper ants which live in the dry stone wall and make it impossible to be any where near in the warmer seasons. 
The first job was to remove the rose. Then a temporary fence was erected about a metre in on the neighbours side so that we could work on this project without their dogs escaping. Recycled colourbond roof sheets were used with new permapine lattice. We reused some of the channel but the rest was purchased for this remake. 
Pleased with the result I now think we need to continue the colourbond creating a back drop to the garden border. You may notice that we also need to make repairs to the garden bench. Indeed it is never ending.

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